How much longer will people control human language?

If an algorithm wrote this how would you even know?

Will human language be commandeered by computers?

Will computers be able to speak perfect “human” eventually making our own voices dull by comparison.

Very probably yes.

In fact it seems that we are almost there, computers are on the cusp of disrupting our languages. The implications to interpersonal communications are unfathomable.

In March 2015 we are seeing a “hockey stick transition” into a world of computer generated language. A sudden uptick where more and more of what we are reading and hearing is language originating in computers and not in people.. or more accurately, originating in the ever more intelligent algorithms our computers are running.

Siri, google are the first wave, as are the financial and sports pages of a growing number of print media.

The algorithm is evolving but here is an outline..

  1. Obtain question or topic from audience
  2. Provide the question to a language algorithm for analysis – i.e. understand the question!
  3. Locate an appropriate data set for finding an answer (Wikipedia, google, facebook, etc.)
  4. Mine out “the facts” pertaining to the answer from the data set
  5. Identify the meta data needed to build a framework and subtext for the answer
    1. Target audience
    2. Commercial spin: sponsor messages
    3. Marketing spin: linguistic nuances like voice gender, age, accent, delivery cadence, regional expressions, metaphors, sound effects, etc. etc. etc.
  6. Finally, feed the facts and the meta data to an AI expert language system which will convolve them into human language – text, speech or other.

Question: how long before these algorithms exit the orbit of human linguistic traditions and begin to explore entirely new “computer generated” language frontiers. Speaking in previously unheard accents, structuring one language with the syntax of another, applying rhythmic or other poetic structure, words chanted instead of spoken with or without complementary music, adding sidebar commentary or animations, etc. etc. etc. Language will never be the same.

Question: and so how long before we get to the point where another human being is just not as interesting as “Her”.

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