Lessons learned from bad driving

I know a guy, quite close

Who is smart, thoughtful, gentle, forgiving

But to our incredulous shock

The moment he gets behind the wheel of a car

He goes from Jeckyll to Hyde

A sudden Neanderthal

Enraged and shaking his fist at every small encounter.

Everyone at fault for something

While he himself flawlessly tailgates, swerves, and artfully casts middle fingers

Totally inconsistent with the young man we know

There is something happening here,

What it is ain’t exactly clear

Think, think, thinking.

His anger with everyone else on the road is a displacement of something deeper

But What?

Ah Ha!

Of course, most obvious

Why is a thoughtful, forgiving young man so angry with others without justification?

Because. He is actually angry at himself!

At what?

At his own inadequacy.

Well.. I believe he has a condition … with his visual perception

A timing problem of sorts,

He is missing a piece of spatial cognition, he can’t properly integrate and synchronize the movement of traffic

As far as he can see, every little thing happening around him is popping up unexpected – IDIOTS he roars!

A condition like this is difficult to self diagnose

Though I sense he has glimpsed it because he is perceptive that way

And because he is a good man, he is equally angry at himself for blaming others when the fault is really his

So in the end he just blames the world

Though to his credit

He does so with a slightly comical and charismatic flourish.

How many of us can say the same?

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