Joe Biden, you are Atlas

Young men die in battle

They die alone

Old  men die on the stage

Even more alone

Last Thursday on CNN debate stage

Joe was struck a fatal blow

Bleeding,  wounded, shocked

But he didn’t succumb

He valiantly stood his post

He stood up to a fetid barrage of lies and hate

To the end

Beaten but despite this

His Honor and virtue still standing

We see the calibre of a man

To move the arc of history ever so slightly upward

Honesty, truth and decency make a stand

To this old man, Joe is a hero

I only ask for his courage when the time comes


Nov 29 2022:


Bury your face

Turn those sly Slavic eyes downward into the dirt

As we see behind them the predator and narcissist

Which rise yet again from the graves Russian lore

Shirtless on a horse while corruption, mortality rates and GDP plummet

Almost dismissed on the world scene – even in sports

Your last and only world class station, your military machine, humiliated

Proven to be as rotten as the rest of it

The final arrow in your quill, all that’s left of the decadent empire

Is the launch code to a rusting nuclear arsenal, that may or may not work as expected

In the hands of a KGB assassin, a psychopath who would poison a man and his daughter with polonium

Unadmired, alone, turning your people to Iran, North Korea

Then sitting rather stupidly, like Chaplin as the Great Dictator, at the end of a very long table

An ugly morphing into the Tolstoian fool; an impeccably dressed general with not a whit or a clue

Staring intensely at the big board in the war room, the chess of heroes

Grand decisions to take the breath away

But comically failing to see the farce

The chess pieces are really not chess pieces at all

They are rotting hors–d’oeuvres left over’s from the Tsar’s last meals

And all this folly at a moment of choosing that could not be worse

In the millions of years it took humanity to get to now our flame may never before have flickered so perilously

And you Putin, you embarrassment to humanity

Instead of bringing Russia to a bearing towards the salvation of that flame

Joining the comity of nations to address the difficulties ahead

Bringing the genius of your people to the table

You man idiot run out on the stage and shit yourself

An awful stench, a big mess to clean  up

So now instead of the great global transition out of carbon

Instead of windmills, solar farms, smart grids, nuclear arms deals, a cure for cancer, solving AI and a hundred other things to bring hope back to humanity and our children,

We are driven to the brink of the madness of a new arms race

Wasted treasure, wasted ingenuity, wasted genius, wasted time and the lost esprit de corps that comes from working together on a just cause

Imagine, we are back to stockpiling weapons for WW3

The incredible stupidity of this

And the gods!

They look down from their ramparts

and sigh

They know there is now only course to salvation


This monster must be beaten into the ground

Regardless the price

He must be sent back to the dung beetles

And his church must go with him

Lessons learned from bad driving

I know a guy, quite close

Who is smart, thoughtful, gentle, forgiving

But to our incredulous shock

The moment he gets behind the wheel of a car

He goes from Jeckyll to Hyde

A sudden Neanderthal

Enraged and shaking his fist at every small encounter.

Everyone at fault for something

While he himself flawlessly tailgates, swerves, and artfully casts middle fingers

Totally inconsistent with the young man we know

There is something happening here,

What it is ain’t exactly clear

Think, think, thinking.

His anger with everyone else on the road is a displacement of something deeper

But What?

Ah Ha!

Of course, most obvious

Why is a thoughtful, forgiving young man so angry with others without justification?

Because. He is actually angry at himself!

At what?

At his own inadequacy.

Well.. I believe he has a condition … with his visual perception

A timing problem of sorts,

He is missing a piece of spatial cognition, he can’t properly integrate and synchronize the movement of traffic

As far as he can see, every little thing happening around him is popping up unexpected – IDIOTS he roars!

A condition like this is difficult to self diagnose

Though I sense he has glimpsed it because he is perceptive that way

And because he is a good man, he is equally angry at himself for blaming others when the fault is really his

So in the end he just blames the world

Though to his credit

He does so with a slightly comical and charismatic flourish.

How many of us can say the same?

Covid passports are coming and thats just the beginning thanks to ToIP

Trust over IP is is huge, sufficiently mature and the first ToIP apps will be arriving this fall.


First out the door will be covid passports, AND largely without government participation or endorsement – (its just moving too fast for gov to possibly be in a position to contribute). 

Like GPS or Android this infrastructure “gift” to humanity will be put into open source “orbit” and the world will be invited to explore and exploit. I am certain that ToIP usage will go viral. Its the juxtaposition of a damn good idea and perfect timing.

Proof of concept will be private Covid vaccine passports out late summer 2021 by way of Microsoft or Facebook et al and not tied to any gov service BUT secure, authoritive and very effective. QED.

Governments around the world will be taken aback but they wont stand in the way as cruise lines can finally indemnify themselves from legal repercussions by way of digital proof of vaccination which these ToIP passports will offer.

And this will open the floodgates.

ToIP is designed to go way beyond passports.. to enable a previously unimagined trust ecosystem. Think of that.

From physical things to ideas and intellectual property, to commercial contracts and supply chains, provenance tracking, self authentication resumes, fintech transactions and NFTs (non fungible tokens). Things, trusting things, trusting things in complex computational chains that will transcend the commercial and social ceilings that we have forever presumed as limits. It truly beggars the imagination.

And like all good frameworks today ToIP is open source! taking lessons learned from how the Internet with its RFCs and Linux with its hierarchical meritocracy were built under effective open source licensing.

Bottom line is that real mobile covid passports will be here by the fall and they will spearhead a flood of unimaginable trust architectures based on peer to peer (distributed) trust nets built over blockchains anchors. 

Note that ToIP is a  “dual stack”  – A REALLY GOOD IDEA.

Stack one – the “driven” stack – is a TCP-IP like model for laying out the technical details of how how the whole thing works. Stack two – the “driving”! stack – describes “governance”. Blew me away to see that. 

The governance stack is a lesson learned from the Internet fiasco. For all of its fabulous successes the Internet has been a social, legal, security and privacy disaster. ToIP builds these considerations into the protocol.  

Anyway – in a nut shell, ToIP is reason #442 to wonder wtf is going to happen in the next decade. 

If you’re interested, here is a short intro. The basic concept is well presented (let me know if you find better) BUT cover your ears towards the end when he shows his cards as a Q-Anon style conspiracy theorist. 

What Will Be Required For You To Move in Society 2021 Forward (1013) – Bing video

This white paper from W3 foundation is quite approachable too if you have absolutely nothing else to do 🙂   toip_introduction_050520.pdf (

Re: train graffiti

I now have hundreds to thousands of high resolution photos of RR graffiti taken all over US and Canada. As a rough guess I would say that 90% of the stuff you see on the cars is unartistic junk or even plane out vandalism.

Most RR graffiti is tagging of some sort. Like a signature practiced over and over again slowly begins to distinguish itself, tagging is visual nom de plume. They are mostly text based and largely resolved from a narrow repertoire of post modern “Kaiser zeit Gotisch” fonts all tangled up in competing and suggestively (but rarely successfully) ambiguous layers. Like a good signature, a graffiti work will vary with each iteration. I have seem the work below done with mods on at least one other car..

Here is a ten percenter..

ThoughtDeJour II

How many of us are who we want to be?

Is who you want to be even possible, or is it an ideal

How many of us can even juggle

Between who we are,

And who we believe we are,

And who we wish we were,

Or want to be.

How many of us are honest enough  

To remember the lies we chose to tell ourselves

Then later chose to believe

And then chose not to blame ourselves

For believing the lies we told ourselves to believe in the first place

No matter, this mess..

Can anyone be anything other than what they are?

Does free will count?

Is what you want to be, who you aspire towards,

A measure of being, a metric of your worth?

Well, fittingly, turns out that that’s up to you

If you believe you are the master of your ship,

The captain of your soul,

Then yes, absolutely

If you don’t,

Prepare to spend eternity with the insects

Thought de Jour – 15/3/20

Regarding my thoughts on the matters at hand.. got an hour? 🙂

Briefly it’s this: Covid is a most suitable start to the 2020’s – the torrid twenties. This will be a decade of maturing exponential events racing to contain humanity. This pandemic is just the first exponential to get out of the bag. It was promised by epidemiologists and, well, they have also promised more to come.

Also promised: climate change (humanities GREAT reckoning) , cyber war, AI escapes the machine, the human population time bomb explodes, species collapse goes over a cliff and massive destabilizations of global biomass including insects and plankton, the great financial correction.

On the other side of the coin we have an exponential curve in scientific advances to fight back. I honestly feel that this will be the most frightening and the most exciting and wondrous decade of my life.

So I think Covid19 may be a blessing.

Covid19 is an alarm clock waking us to our own frailty on this planet and our profound connection to nature which we are killing. Think we have the collective muster to heed the ring? More practically speaking, for now, it starts with awareness.. AND a serious (revenue neutral) carbon tax!

10 best books I’ve read over the past two years:

Possible Minds: 25 ways of looking at AI – John Brockman

The Madness of Crowds – Douglas Murray

American War: A Novel – Omar El Akkad

The Age of Surveillance Capitalism – Shoshana Zuboff

Doughnut Economics – Kate Raworth

1861: The Civil War Awakening – Adam Goodheart

Dreamland: The true Tale of America’s Opiate Epidemic

America: The Farewell Tour – Chris Hedges

21 Lessons for the 21st Century – Youval Harari

AI Superpowers – Kai-Fu Lee

12 Rules for Live: Jordan Peterson

The Coming Storm: Michael Lewis

Machine, Platform Crowd – Erik Brynjolfsson, Andrew McAfee

Life 3.0 – Max Tegmark

Homo Deus – Yuval Harari

Makers and Takers: The Rise of Finance – Rana Foroohar

The Road to Ruin – James Rickards

Idiot America – Charles P. Pierce

Heretic – Ayaan Hirsi Ali